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2 spots open for 2024


4-5 hour photo/video shoot with me


Locations: My cabin/property in Humboldt


Stay for up to 3 nights.



-Your own room with queen size bed

-Use of sex toys

-Use of kitchen/living room

-Use of yard

-Use of continuous video lights


When we are not shooting you are welcome to shoot yourself in the yard or the guest room. You are also more than welcome to shoot content of yourself at the beach or elsewhere in the area and I can show you where to go when we shoot together your first day. Or you can simply relax.


Must provide own transportation and bring your own food. You are welcome to use the kitchen to cook and I have basic cooking supplies, like oils + spices. 


You may bring 1 friend/partner as long as they are OK with sharing the room with you. If you both are applying for a shoot then both people should submit applications. 


You will have sole commercial rights to the photos + videos but I would like to be able to use some of the less explicit photos for my portfolio + social media accounts. I of course will tag you on said social media unless you don’t want me to. 


Once we are done shooting I will do a quick batch edit for color/exposure on your photos, then you can sit down and select your 15 photos for me to edit. Video will be provided unedited. You must bring a mac compatible external hard drive for me to transfer the photo/video to you.


You must credit Nikki Silver as the photographer/cinematographer when you post photos/videos. 


To apply please email me with:


-Dates you’d like to come


-Links to any work related social media you have


-Some info about what kinds of photos/video you are hoping for (regarding our shoot together), as in location, what you are using the content for, photo or video, etc. Can be as explicit or tame as you like. 

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