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SFW Recent Fine Art Projects

the soft fur on the lower back of a model and her lovers hand, lying in the sun

blue eyed, fair skinned model with sunlight dancing through her hair

wild, natural woman crouching in the dry grasses of california

woodland faerie sits and watches the day fall into night.

the sun is low and the faerie is peering at you through her arm

the faerie is fierce and holds a knife to her lips.

hair moves effortlessly in the wind as the blade grazes the faerie's lips

beautiful boy on a rooftop in brooklyn.

volumptous model with bright red hair reclines on a black couch.

punk boy with tattos and mohawk in front of graffiti in oakland.

long haired model climbs through river as water rushes around her.

older gay male is tied to a pole and gagged during folsom street fair in SF.

brown hair swirls around models face as she relaxes in the sun.

girl drinks water from the river by soaking her bandana in it.

model is playing scrabble with you and you've composed the word; caring.

© Silver and Stone Productions 2016


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